Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in the PTA. Become a member, volunteer at events (we need volunteers!), attend Association meetings, or consider joining the PTA Board! Together we can make a difference!


We can't have events or provide enrichment to our kids without your help. Whether you have a little time or a lot, we can use you! Please sign up for a shift to help at one of our events or email for tasks that can be done from home. For more information, email us at

Come to a meeting

Please join us at our PTA Association Meetings. Meetings are held every other month and are currently online. See our calendar for the meeting schedule and registration link. Meetings are also announced in the Spotlights weekly newsletter and on Konstella.

Join the Board! Yeah, you!

Looking for a way to make a difference at the school while meeting great people? Monta Loma PTA elects board positions at our March or May PTA Association meeting every year. Serving as an officer on the PTA Board allows engaged parents and teachers an opportunity to serve as leaders in community building at their school. If you or someone you know may be interested, email us at and we will be in touch. 

PTA Executive Board meetings are held monthly, and Association meetings take place five times a year. Association meetings are for both Board members and Association members. Each meeting takes about 45 minutes - 1 hour. Below are the descriptions of all the PTA Executive Board positions. The monthly time commitment does not include PTA meetings. Select a position to expand to read the detailed description.


The President keeps the PTA organized and moving forward. They set the agenda and run the monthly board meeting. Additionally, they communicate with the principal, coordinate the work of officers and committees, and authorize payments. The President attends monthly school and district meetings if available, though any officer can attend, so it doesn’t always have to be the President.

Time commitment: 10 hours/month

Executive Vice President (open)

The Executive Vice-President assists the President and fills in for the President when needed, such as running a board meeting or attending a school or district meeting.

Time commitment: 5 - 8 hours/month


The Secretary keeps the board moving along by arranging all the meetings, helping the President prepare meeting agendas and managing the PTA calendar. You will prepare and distribute meeting minutes in a timely manner so board and association members are kept up to date.

Time commitment: 5-8 hours/month


The Treasurer maintains the PTA’s financial information and handles incoming and outgoing funds. In addition, they oversee the budget/finance committee, present financial reports at board meetings, and complete and forward all necessary reports required by the California State PTA. On a yearly basis, the Treasurer files all tax returns and other forms required by government agencies. Twice a year, they coordinate with the Auditor. Yes, there is a lot to this role but official training is provided by the California State PTA, and there are templates to follow.

Time commitment: 8 – 10 hours/month

Financial Secretary

This person works closely with the Treasurer to ensure that PTA funds are handled correctly. Reviews all records of the PTA funds collected, deposited and disbursed on a monthly and annual basis. They will also help review monthly and annual financial reports. 

Time commitment: 1 - 2 hours/month

Financial Reviewer (open)

The Financial Reviewer verifies the work of the Treasurer, which includes reviewing transactions and ensuring expenditures are approved in PTA meeting minutes. At the end of the review, the Financial Reviewer completes a report template and presents it to the board and association. (It’s not as intimidating as it sounds, trust us!)

Time commitment: 6 – 8 hours per review, twice per year (January & July)

Communications Chair (open)

Help us get the word out for all things PTA! The Communications Chair is an invaluable role. It involves drafting weekly updates for the school’s Spotlights newsletter, posting to the PTA’s Facebook page, & Konstella. There are also the occasional content updates on our PTA website. If you love being in the know and sharing information, this role is for you!

Time commitment: 5-7 hours/month (Spotlights updates due weekly on Monday)

VP of Fundraising (open)

If you love party planning, this role is for you! The VP of Fundraising oversees events big and small such as the Fall Festival, Walkathon, and Movie Night. You lead events from start to finish and oversee things like volunteer recruitment, donation requests, budget, and marketing. You will not be doing all of this on your own; be sure to delegate tasks and follow up with the team.

Time commitment: 10 – 15 hours per month depending on the event

VP of Membership

Be one of the PTA’s biggest cheerleaders! As the VP of Membership, you will help parents understand all the wonderful and fun things the PTA does and why it’s super important that they get involved. This position organizes fun events like the Lemonade Social for new students and sets up the first week of school events to get parents & guardians excited to join the PTA!

Time commitment: 4 – 6 hours/month for about the first few months of the school year and then 1 - 2 hours/month for the rest of the year

Hospitality Chair

The Hospitality Chair helps spread PTA love to the community and school staff. You will coordinate the food and clothing drive during November or December, manage the Spiritwear Exchange and organize something special like a luncheon or coffee bar for the teachers & staff during Teacher Appreciation week.

Time commitment: 3-4 hours when activities are planned

Spiritwear Chair (open)

Help kids show off their love for Monta Loma by being the Spiritwear Chair! This role includes fulfilling orders that come in via our online store or check/cash orders that are dropped off at the office. Most orders come in the beginning of the year then occasionally in the later half of the year, typically close to Spirit Days. At the end of the year, it is restocking time with our existing vendor.

Time commitment: 1 – 2 hours/month, and the kids appreciate if their spiritwear orders are delivered in a timely fashion

Historian (open)

Don’t let the title intimidate you! While part of this role is documenting events, which can be as simple as taking pictures, the main task is tallying all the volunteering hours of PTA members towards the end of the school and then completing a one page form with the total number of hours (yes, it’s only done once a year!). Hours are collected and reported to keep the PTA’s federal tax exemption status. Volunteer hours can be logged using a simple Google form. So other than this, a few reminders for members to complete it is all that’s needed.

Time commitment: 1 hour per month, 1.5-2 hours for one month at the end of the year


The Parliamentarian oversees elections and is available for guidance on state and national PTA policies and procedures. As Parliamentarian, you will oversee the bylaws committee.

Time commitment: 1-2 hours/month

Military Liaison

Over twenty-five percent of the student population at Monta Loma are military children. The Military Liaison serves as a voice for military kids and their families. In this position, you can help the PTA support school events that are mindful of our military community.

Time commitment: 1 – 2 hours/month

Room Rep Coordinator

You will work with the PTA president and teachers  to coordinate Room Representatives at the school to build stronger family-school partnerships, collaborates with other PTA board members and teachers to identify how parents can get more involved at school, & promotes PTA goals, membership and activities on campus. Lastly, you will oversees the recruitment and training for parent volunteers as Room Representatives for a classroom or grade level.

Time commitment: 1 – 2 hours/month

ELAC Liaison (open)

The English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) addresses concerns about English learning at Monta Loma. Our ELAC Liaison is someone who attends both ELAC and PTA meetings and can act as a bridge between these communities. The Liaison gives a voice to parents of English learners, helps the PTA direct support for school programs, and contributes to planning events that include our entire school community.

Time commitment: 2 – 3 hours/month, which includes time spent attending ELAC meetings

Association Member Roles

Association members can help out by taking on specific roles. See below for various ways that you can become involved, and reach out to if you’re interested!

Restaurant Night Coordinator: This role entails reaching out to restaurants via their website to secure a date and time for a restaurant fundraiser, so you can do it from your couch while binging the latest TV series. There are typically 3 – 4 events a year, and we already have a list of places to contact. This is a great way to directly impact the funds raised throughout the year. Time commitment: 1 - 2 hours/event

Room Representative (open): You will serve as room or grade level representatives for the school year. As a room representative, you will:

Learn More

You can check out the California PTA website for more detailed job descriptions.