Walk-A-Thon 2025

Friday, March 28, 2025  from 3:00-6:00pm

Let's come together to make this event a success!

The Walk-A-Thon is a fun-filled event where we celebrate fitness, fun, and community. It is also our biggest fundraiser of the year. The funds we raise will allow us to support additional enrichment for our school, including field trips, assemblies, library books, classroom supplies, and staff appreciation. 

All students will receive a free Walk-A-Thon t-shirt to wear on March 28!

Thank you for your support, and we hope to see you there!

✴️ Help Raise Funds ✴️

The Walk-A-Thon is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year and our goal is to raise $18,000. The funds will be used for supplies, field trips, assemblies, equipment, and more! 

Students can help raise funds by collecting pledges from friends and family. An envelope will be sent home for students to collect pledges in person (cash and/or checks payable to 'Monta Loma PTA'), and you can also set up a page on 99Pledges for your student to collect pledges online. See instructions here for setting up a page. 

Pledges are flat donations and are not based on laps completed. If your employer matches donations, please email info@montalomapta.org so that we can update your student's fundraising progress with our donation! Our EIN is 770387464.

Envelopes can be returned to the classroom until Tuesday, March 25th. After this date, please return the envelopes to the front office. All pledges (cash, check, & online) will be accepted through Friday, March 28th.   

🚶‍➡️Permission Form & FREE t-shirt!🚶🏾‍♀️‍➡️

Students will have the opportunity to walk laps around the Monta Loma field in their complimentary Monta Loma Walkathon t-shirt during the school day and may continue after school is dismissed. Students walking after school will require a permission slip. Permission slips will be sent home for students the last week of February. In lieu of the paper permission form, you can also complete this online permission form. Please remember to mark your student's t-shirt size on their form. 

Students must be accompanied by an adult for the after school portion. 

Students are not required to raise funds in order to get a t-shirt and to participate in the Walk-A-Thon. 

🙌 Volunteer Please 🙌

This fun event won't be possible without YOU! We need amazing volunteers to help set up the field, count laps, give out prizes, and sell food. Family friends, community members, and relatives are welcome to help out! You can sign up via Konstella!

🏅 Prizes 🏅

Kids will earn a small prize and a ticket for the raffle for every 5 laps completed. If they reach their lap goals (30 for TK-2 & 50 for 3-5), they will receive a medal. Raffle prizes include tickets to the Exploratorium, CuriOdyssey, and the Bay Area Discovery Museum as well as fun experiences with teachers and more!

The PTA is holding classroom-level prizes where students can earn additional raffle tickets based on how much the class fundraises. Here are the tiers: 

$1500+ raised: Each student gets 6 raffle tickets

$1000-$1499 raised: Each student gets 4 raffle tickets

$500 - $999 raised: Each student gets 2 raffle tickets

Raffle tickets will also be available for purchase at $0.50/ticket. 

⭐ Other Ways To Help ⭐

There are so many ways to help with the event! Consider donating raffle prizes (ex. board games, gift baskets etc), lap prize donations (students get a small prize every 5 laps), donate food to sell (ex. pupusas, musubi, tamales), and contribute to the bake sale!

To donate raffle prizes, please complete this form.

To contribute to the bake sale and/or make food for the event, please complete this form. 

If you'd like to donate lap prizes, please see the Amazon wish list below. 

🍕 Food 🌭

Fruit and water will be freely available to the kids as they’re walking. Additional food items, including pizza, hot dogs, and cotton candy, will be available for purchase at the event. Please bring cash in small denominations. 

Pizza or Hot Dog: $3

Cotton Candy: $2

Drinks, chips/goldfish crackers: $1/each

Bake Sale Items: $1-3

Thank you to all of our donors!